where can I buy cbd oil in sliema malta

Where Can I Buy CBD Oil in Sliema, Malta?

The quick answer is right here at Dr. Hemp Me Malta. We have just located in Sliema and we are ready to supply the people of Malta with the highest quality oil in Europe.

Our CBD oil is derived from Cannabis Sativa L, which is farmed in organic hemp farms in Poland to ensure the finest quality.

THC is present in our goods and as required by legislation it is less than 0.2 per cent. However, not just Cannabidiol & THC, but also over 100 other cannabinoids to form a perfect full-spectrum CBD oil.

Because light can harm the chemicals in our CBD oil products, we also employ light-blocking bottles. Take a look at what we have to offer to see if anything appeals to you.

Full Spectrum CBD Oil in Sliema

We sell full-spectrum CBD oil, which is made up of a variety of plant extracts as well as other cannabinoids. Our full-spectrum CBD oil range includes the following:

Product CBD Content (mg)Link to ShopWhat You Get
10% CBD Oil1000mg 10ml [maxbutton id="3" url="https://drhempme.mt/cbd-oil-10-1000mg-full-spectrum/" text="Buy Now" ]1000mg CBD Oil Sliema Malta
20% CBD Oil 2000mg 10ml [maxbutton id="3" url="https://drhempme.mt/cbd-oil-20/" text="Buy Now" ] 20% Cannabidiol tincture Malta
30% CBD Oil 3000mg 10ml[maxbutton id="3" url="https://drhempme.mt/cbd-oil-30/" text="Buy Now" ] 30% cbd oil sliema malta
CBD Gummies 15mg per Gummy [maxbutton id="3" url="https://drhempme.mt/cbd-gummies/" text="Buy Now" ] CBD Gummies Sliema Malta
CBD for Pets250mg | 500mg | 1000mg [maxbutton id="3" url="https://drhempme.mt/pet-cbd/" text="Buy Now" ] cbd for pets dogs and cats Malta

Broad Spectrum

Our broad-spectrum CBD oil is THC-free and contains most of the same chemicals as our full-spectrum CBD oil. Among our broad-spectrum products are:

CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats

Many people are unsure whether CBD oil is safe for pets. Yes, it is true! Cannabidiol and other hemp extracts are metabolised by animals in the same way that they are by humans.

We offer CBD oil for pets in 2.5 per cent and 5 per cent strengths at a reasonable price. The following is the dosage:

2.5% Pet Oil – 6 drops per day

5% Pet Oil    – 4 drops per day

10% Pet Oil  – 3 drops per day

Give your pets the oil every day for four to six weeks to get the most benefit and effect.

Gummies & Edibles

Would you rather eat something then spend five minutes putting oil under your tongue? Gummies with CBD oil are also available, with two flavours to choose from: strawberry and effervescent. They’re exciting and fruity, easy to consume, absorb quickly, and are suitable for both children and adults.

Each gummy has 25 milligrammes of CBD oil, but you can also get 500 and 750 milligrammes.

Other Products

We also provide capsules with 10 mg of CBD oil per pill if you like to take your CBD oil like any other supplement. They don’t have as much of the natural hemp flavour and odour, so if you don’t like it, these capsules could be a good alternative.

Have These Products Been Tested in a Lab?

Yes. All of the products on our website have passed extensive testing. We believe that lab testing are an important part of establishing client trust in our company. JHG Analysis, one of Europe’s leading cannabis plant testing companies, puts all of our goods through rigorous testing both before and after extraction.

These tests check for potency and purity to verify that all of our products are safe and of high quality. Check out our Lab Testing page to see individual lab reports. Anyone with additional queries can contact our live chat.

Cannabidiol’s Legal Status in Malta?

About 25 years ago, the Malta government recognised hemp as a viable source of fibre and oils. Hemp products, on the other hand, can only contain 0.2 percent THC or less. As a result, any CBD oil purchased in Sliema will not contain enough THC to make you high.

Growers require Department of Health licences as well as assistance from the Health Products Regulatory Authority. Although CBD oil is considered a food supplement for the body, growers and sellers (even if they are experts) cannot make health or medicinal claims in their marketing campaigns.

Without particular government approvals, manufacturers must utilise specialised techniques to extract the oils from the hemp plant in order to sell in Malta. The Malta government recently declared hemp-derived CBD oil to be a non-cannabis product, making it totally legal and easy to market.

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